Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Winxy Fashion Awards!!

Hey Winxers! Do you want to win 1000 hearts to spend in WinxFairySchool? Then enter the Winxy Fashion Awards! You have 4 weeks to create the most stylish outfit you can! At the close of the competition, we will announce 3 lucky winners, who will each win this excellent prize! To enter, download the colours sheet from the PlayWinxClub website (link at the bottom of the post) and style any way you want, be as creative as you can When you're done, take a picture of your finished creation and upload it to one of our Social Media sites with your#WinxFairySchool FAIRY name and we could pick you as one of the lucky Winners, so get styling Winxers! Link: http://www.playwinxclub.com/fashion

Credits to WinxClubRUS

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